Internal Medicine

Your Pet is a Member of the Family
Unfortunately, most pets end up with some form of chronic condition or illness that requires ongoing management and investigation. Examples of common diseases that may fall under the category of internal medicine include: allergic skin disease, heart conditions, kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, seizure disorders, thyroid disorders, chronic osteoarthritis and this list goes on and on! Pretty much any condition that people get, animals can also get and many people are surprised by their pet’s diagnosis.
Mahogany Vet understands that treating chronic conditions can be a big commitment that is frustrating at times and financially exhausting. We will help you formulate treatment plans that work for you and your pet within your budget. You will always be given options and the potential outcomes of these choices will be discussed with you during your consultation as well as via ongoing contact with your doctor (our doctors can be available if needed by phone to answer questions and are also accessible via email during business hours). Our available diagnostics, in house monitoring equipment and pharmacy will make it easy for you to take care of all your pets needs quickly and efficiently.